Immune thrombocytopenia: internship guide
David Schmidt
1 Intership guide
This is a guide to the assignments during the internship. The assignments are roughly based on 10 periods of 1-2 weeks. Depending on the length of your internship you will be given a schedule when to finish each assignments.
1.1 Goal of the assignments
The assignments laid out in this guide are meant to familiarize you with the most important literature and thought framework of ITP research. Through systematic inquiry of the provided assignments you will expand your knowledge and consolidate learning points that you encounter during your day-to-day work.
The literature provided here will also provide a basis for your scientific report. The skills you learn in the writing assignment ensure that you have the necessary skills to structure a formal report and use citation software, well before you have to use it in your final report.
1.2 How assignments work
Each period you will start a reading assignment. You will have a 15 minute pre-discussion at the start of the period convering what the topic is about and why it is important. Then you will do your readings and answer the questions provided. This should not take more than 2 hours per assignment. Divide your time over the expected effort and continue to the next part if you are stuck in the middle. At the end of each period, you will have a post-discussion (± 30min) discussing your answers and any open questions.
1.3 Grading
Performance and effort in the assignments will be considered for interim and final assessment of the trainee.